If you are having problems submitting an assignment in Schoology, the seven most popular reasons this may fail are:
- The name of the file(s) being submitted are too long or contain special characters (! # $ < > ...). Changing the file name(s) to something simpler will usually get this to work.
- You have a draft of a submitted assignment that is "stuck," where you can simply click the green check mark, then go back and submit the assignment again.
- If submitting a video, it may be too large and must be submitted in the lowest resolution.
- The submission is in a format that Schoology can't show (like Pages).
- The teacher sets a date on the assignment that has passed, and they are not allowing late work.
- Your iPad needs to be rebooted.
- The iPadOS needs to be updated.
If you continue to have problems, please email Tech Help or Submit a request at the top of this page.