From time to time you may receive legitimate (not phishing/spam) email from someone outside of St. Mary's Academy that you just don't want to receive anymore to your Inbox. Whether you signed up for advertisements, newsletters, etc. they can be quite annoying over time.
Many emails from companies will include an "unsubscribe" option at the bottom of their email. Clicking the link will often allow you to be removed from the email lists (usually takes 1-2 weeks). Be careful as some phishing emails will include this and try tricking you into entering account information.
If there is no unsubscribe option here are the steps to block them:
- Login to the Microsoft 365 website with your account (
- Open Outlook from the left menu.
- Find one of the emails in the list and right click it (hold your finger down if using the iPad).
- Select Block > Block sender. Note: Emails may still be sent to you with this method but they should go to your Junk Email folder rather than your Inbox.
- Repeat these steps for each of the other email addresses you wish to block.
Please email Tech Help if you have any questions.